Call to Order
Act On Minutes
(5) CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed directly under this Consent Agenda item are considered to be routine by the Court and will be enacted with one motion. There will not be separate discussion of items unless a Commissioner or Citizen so requests; in which event, items will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered in its normal sequence.
(6) Act On Current Bills
(7) Present a proclamation to Jerry White for his many years of dedicated service to Grayson County.
(8) Consider and take possible action to receive and ratify the appointment by the Grayson County Judge of a temporary justice for Justice of the Peace Precinct One, as permitted by Texas Government Code Section 27.055.
(9) Consider and take possible action to determine the pay period, whether by day, by week or by month, for compensation to the temporary justice for Justice of the Peace Precinct One, pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 27.055.
(10) Discuss and take action to approve Department of State Health Services Amendment 1 as presented.
(11) Discuss and take possible action on Resolution requesting that the Texas Legislature fully fund the cost of indigent criminal defense.
(12) Discuss and take possible action to approve the Resolution for Criminal Justice Division (CJD) Justice Assistance Grant (JAG).
(13) Discuss and take possible action on a bid proposal for property located on Parnell St in Denison that was unsold at the November 1, 2016 Sheriff Property Sale
(14) Discuss and take possible action on a bid proposal for property located on E. Shepherd St in Denison that was unsold at the June 2, 2015 Sheriff Property Sale.
(15) Discuss and take possible action on a bid proposal for property located in Washington Heights Addition in Denison that was unsold at the March 4, 2014 Sheriff Property Sale.
Items 16 & 17
Items 18 & 19