Call to Order
Act On Minutes
(5) Act On Current Bills
(6) Texas Association of Counties presentation of the Iris Stagner Honorable Mention Award to Paula Bennett, Wellness Coordinator.
(7) Discuss and take action to appoint Kimberly Brem to the Grayson County Child Welfare Board.
(8) Discuss and take action to appoint Sarah Bingham and Wanda Metz to the Housing Authority of Grayson County Board of Commissioners.
(9) Receive into the minutes the fully executed Texoma Regional Blood Bank, Inc Lease Amendment #3.
(10) Discuss and take possible action to approve the submission of the Victim Coordinator Liasion Grant application.
(11) Act on request to accept insurance settlements for damage to County vehicles
(12) Discuss and take possible action on property coverage and authorize the County Judge to sign renewals with Texas Association of Counties Risk Management Services
(13) Discuss and take possibe action to approve the final plat of the SC Farms
(14) Discuss and take possibe action to approve the final plat of the Copeland Addition
(15) Discuss and take possible action on request to grant a variance to Grayson County OSSF requirements
(16) Discuss and take action to declare the listed Holiday Lights displays surplus for "trade in" as presented.
(17) Discuss and take action to award the bids for the annual supply of Emulsions as presented.
(18) Discuss and take action to award the bids for the annual supply of Road Oils as presented.
Items 19 & 20
Items 21 & 22