1. Call to Order 1.1 Call to Order 2. Invocation 2.1 Invocation 3. Pledge of Allegiance 3.1 Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comments 5.1 Public Comments: Citizens may speak on items listed on this agenda. A “Request to Speak Card” should be completed and returned to the Clerk before Commissioners Court convenes. Citizen comments are limited to three (3) minutes.
7.1 CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed directly under this Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Court and will be enacted with one motion. There will not be separate discussion of items unless a Commissioner or Citizen so requests; in which event, items will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered in its normal sequence. 7.2 Accept the June 2021 Monthly Report from the Tax Assessor/Collector. 7.3 Approve request by Marilee SUD to bore under Farmington Rd to expand water line. 7.4 Approve request for a road bore on Jenkins Road and Brooks Lane to install water customer service.
Action Items Discuss and take action to approve entering into the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Contract Number HHS001019500019, between DSHS and the Grayson County Health Department.
Discuss and take action to approve the contract between Grayson County and Premium Cleaning Services.
Discuss and take action to approve the contract example for Pre and Post services between Grayson County Juvenile Services and other Juvenile Departments in the state.
Discuss and take action to approve residential services contract between Tarrant County and Grayson County Juvenile Services.
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Commissioners Court reserves the right to adjourn into executive session to deliberate business and financial issues relating to a contract being negotiated.
9.7 Discuss and take possible action regarding items discussed in Executive Session. 11. Adjourn 11.1 Adjourn
1. Call to Order 1.1 Call to Order 2. Invocation 2.1 Invocation 3. Pledge of Allegiance 3.1 Pledge of Allegiance
Public Comments 5.1 Public Comments: Citizens may speak on items listed on this agenda. A “Request to Speak Card” should be completed and returned to the Clerk before Commissioners Court convenes. Citizen comments are limited to three (3) minutes.
7.1 CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed directly under this Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Court and will be enacted with one motion. There will not be separate discussion of items unless a Commissioner or Citizen so requests; in which event, items will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered in its normal sequence. 7.2 Accept the June 2021 Monthly Report from the Tax Assessor/Collector. 7.3 Approve request by Marilee SUD to bore under Farmington Rd to expand water line. 7.4 Approve request for a road bore on Jenkins Road and Brooks Lane to install water customer service.
Action Items Discuss and take action to approve entering into the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Contract Number HHS001019500019, between DSHS and the Grayson County Health Department.
Discuss and take action to approve the contract between Grayson County and Premium Cleaning Services.
Discuss and take action to approve the contract example for Pre and Post services between Grayson County Juvenile Services and other Juvenile Departments in the state.
Discuss and take action to approve residential services contract between Tarrant County and Grayson County Juvenile Services.
Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code, Commissioners Court reserves the right to adjourn into executive session to deliberate business and financial issues relating to a contract being negotiated.
9.7 Discuss and take possible action regarding items discussed in Executive Session. 11. Adjourn 11.1 Adjourn