1. Call to Order 1.1 Call to Order 2. Invocation 2.1 Invocation 3. Pledge of Allegiance 3.1 Pledge of Allegiance
7.1 CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed directly under this Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Court and will be enacted with one motion. There will not be separate discussion of items unless a Commissioner or Citizen so requests; in which event, items will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered in its normal sequence. 7.2 Approve request from Grayson County Juvenile Services to receive into Minutes the executed Residential Services contract with Hockley County. 7.3 Receive into minutes the executed Ad Valorem Tax Abatement Agreement between Grayson County and Finisar Sherman RE HOLDCO, LLC. 7.4 Authorize the provided list of IT equipment to be considered surplus and disposed of in accordance with Local Government Code 263.
Act on Bills 8.1 Bills for Approval 02/08/2022 8.2 Authorize payment of $133,200 to Bank of New York Mellon for Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018. 8.3 Authorize payment of $2,828,445.28 for Health Department Local Provider Participation Fund (LPPF) pass through to State Comptroller for uncompensated care for DY11 Advance. 8.4 Authorize payment of $53,330.45 to Marilee Special Utility District for 1/2 of FM Spur 121 Water Project.
9.1 Discuss and take action to approve the interlocal agreement with the City of Dorchester #2022003 for annual road work. 9.2 Discuss and take action to approve interlocal agreement #2022002 with the City of Howe for annual road work.
Discuss and take action to approve the proposal submitted by Austin Bridge & Road for the FM 121 toll road project.
Discuss and take action to approve the Final Plat Creekview Addition Phase I in Precinct 1.
10. Commissioners Court Comments 10.1 Commissioners Court Comments 11. Adjourn 11.1 Adjourn
1. Call to Order 1.1 Call to Order 2. Invocation 2.1 Invocation 3. Pledge of Allegiance 3.1 Pledge of Allegiance
7.1 CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed directly under this Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Court and will be enacted with one motion. There will not be separate discussion of items unless a Commissioner or Citizen so requests; in which event, items will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered in its normal sequence. 7.2 Approve request from Grayson County Juvenile Services to receive into Minutes the executed Residential Services contract with Hockley County. 7.3 Receive into minutes the executed Ad Valorem Tax Abatement Agreement between Grayson County and Finisar Sherman RE HOLDCO, LLC. 7.4 Authorize the provided list of IT equipment to be considered surplus and disposed of in accordance with Local Government Code 263.
Act on Bills 8.1 Bills for Approval 02/08/2022 8.2 Authorize payment of $133,200 to Bank of New York Mellon for Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2018. 8.3 Authorize payment of $2,828,445.28 for Health Department Local Provider Participation Fund (LPPF) pass through to State Comptroller for uncompensated care for DY11 Advance. 8.4 Authorize payment of $53,330.45 to Marilee Special Utility District for 1/2 of FM Spur 121 Water Project.
9.1 Discuss and take action to approve the interlocal agreement with the City of Dorchester #2022003 for annual road work. 9.2 Discuss and take action to approve interlocal agreement #2022002 with the City of Howe for annual road work.
Discuss and take action to approve the proposal submitted by Austin Bridge & Road for the FM 121 toll road project.
Discuss and take action to approve the Final Plat Creekview Addition Phase I in Precinct 1.
10. Commissioners Court Comments 10.1 Commissioners Court Comments 11. Adjourn 11.1 Adjourn