1. Call to Order 1.1 Call to Order 2. Invocation 2.1 Invocation 3. Pledge of Allegiance 3.1 Pledge of Allegiance
7.1 CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed directly under this Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Court and will be enacted with one motion. There will not be separate discussion of items unless a Commissioner or Citizen so requests; in which event, items will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered in its normal sequence. 7.2 Receive into the minutes the executed Oath of Office for Robert Brady, Chairman of the Grayson County Regional Mobility Authority. 7.3 Accept into the minutes the executed agreement between Grayson County and Austin Bridge and Road for the FS 121 TXDOT roadway fence project. 7.4 Approve Request from Mustang Special Utility District for road bore on Bounds Road in Precinct 1. 7.5 Approve request for Interlocal Agreement with the City of Whitesboro for 15x40 culvert purchase.
Act on Bills 8.1 Bills for Approval 04/05/2022 8.2 Authorize payment of $69,103 to Election Systems & Software for the annual ExpressVote Warranty, Maintenance, & License Fees. 8.3 Authorize payment of $52,390.90 to Bancorpsouth Equipment Finance for the Precinct 3 Motor Grader 2022 payment. 8.4 Authorize payment of $172,976.80 to Bagby Elevator Company, Inc. for 40% deposit for the Courthouse Elevator Expansion and Upgrade.
Discuss and take action to authorize continued restriction of outdoor burning in the Sherwood Shores Fire District until April 13 at 8 AM due to storm debris and other clean up hazards.
Conduct public hearing on request to change the name of the east-west portion of Majors Road in Precinct 1 near Van Alstyne to Stroud Road.
Consider and take possible action to change the name of the east-west portion of Majors Road in Precinct 1 near Van Alstyne to Stroud Road.
Conduct a public hearing on the requested street name change of The Woods of Fossil Ridge Court to Lake Ridge Court in Precinct 4.
Consider and take possible action on the requested street name change of The Woods of Fossil Ridge Court to Lake Ridge Court in Precinct 4.
Discuss and take action to approve plat Final Plat Langford Retreat Addition in Precinct 3.
10. Commissioners Court Comments 10.1 Commissioners Court Comments 11. Adjourn 11.1 Adjourn
1. Call to Order 1.1 Call to Order 2. Invocation 2.1 Invocation 3. Pledge of Allegiance 3.1 Pledge of Allegiance
7.1 CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed directly under this Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Court and will be enacted with one motion. There will not be separate discussion of items unless a Commissioner or Citizen so requests; in which event, items will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered in its normal sequence. 7.2 Receive into the minutes the executed Oath of Office for Robert Brady, Chairman of the Grayson County Regional Mobility Authority. 7.3 Accept into the minutes the executed agreement between Grayson County and Austin Bridge and Road for the FS 121 TXDOT roadway fence project. 7.4 Approve Request from Mustang Special Utility District for road bore on Bounds Road in Precinct 1. 7.5 Approve request for Interlocal Agreement with the City of Whitesboro for 15x40 culvert purchase.
Act on Bills 8.1 Bills for Approval 04/05/2022 8.2 Authorize payment of $69,103 to Election Systems & Software for the annual ExpressVote Warranty, Maintenance, & License Fees. 8.3 Authorize payment of $52,390.90 to Bancorpsouth Equipment Finance for the Precinct 3 Motor Grader 2022 payment. 8.4 Authorize payment of $172,976.80 to Bagby Elevator Company, Inc. for 40% deposit for the Courthouse Elevator Expansion and Upgrade.
Discuss and take action to authorize continued restriction of outdoor burning in the Sherwood Shores Fire District until April 13 at 8 AM due to storm debris and other clean up hazards.
Conduct public hearing on request to change the name of the east-west portion of Majors Road in Precinct 1 near Van Alstyne to Stroud Road.
Consider and take possible action to change the name of the east-west portion of Majors Road in Precinct 1 near Van Alstyne to Stroud Road.
Conduct a public hearing on the requested street name change of The Woods of Fossil Ridge Court to Lake Ridge Court in Precinct 4.
Consider and take possible action on the requested street name change of The Woods of Fossil Ridge Court to Lake Ridge Court in Precinct 4.
Discuss and take action to approve plat Final Plat Langford Retreat Addition in Precinct 3.
10. Commissioners Court Comments 10.1 Commissioners Court Comments 11. Adjourn 11.1 Adjourn