1. Call to Order 1.1 Call to Order 2. Invocation 2.1 Invocation 3. Pledge of Allegiance 3.1 Pledge of Allegiance
Consent Agenda 7.1 CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed directly under this Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Court and will be enacted with one motion. There will not be separate discussion of items unless a Commissioner or Citizen so requests; in which event, items will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered in its normal sequence. 7.2 Interlocal agreement Whereas Sherman agrees to provide Grayson County $2,295.38 from the JAG Programs award to be used for the purchase of officer hand-help portable radios and accessories; and whereas Grayson believes it to be in their best interests to reallocate the 2022 JAG funds. 7.3 Receive into the minutes the Award Agreement for the Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund, as added by the American Rescue Plan. 7.4 Approve the request from the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) to amend Contract Number HHS001025800001, changing Financial Status Reports submission dates from monthly to biannually. 7.5 Authorize payment of $69,951 to Texas Association of Counties Risk Management Pool for 1st Qtr. Worker's Compensation Coverage. 7.7 Accept Auditor Monthly Report for September 2022. 7.8 Receive into the minutes the fully executed Fort Bend County Juvenile Services Contract.
Approve the Professional Services Agreement between Grayson County and Huitt-Zollars, Inc. for their assistance in reviewing preliminary plats, final plats, and engineering plans for Development Services.
Act on Bills 8.1 Authorize payment of bills for December 6, 2022 8.2 Authorize payment of $237,519 to Texas Association of Counties Risk Management Pool for renewal of liability insurance coverages for autos, general liability, law enforcement, public officials and auto physical damage. 8.3 Authorize payment of $229,680.69 to Grayson Central Appraisal District for 1st Qtr. 2023 Appraisal Services. 8.4 Authorize payment of $77,266 to Grapevine Dodge for two vehicles for Precinct 1 and Precinct 4. 8.5 Authorize payment of $71,221.25 to Election Systems & Software for Extended Warranty w/ Annual Maintenance, Software License Renewals & Firmware Licenses.
Discuss and take action to approve interlocal agreement #2023003 with the City of Dorchester for Annual Road Work.
9.4 Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code Section 551.071, the Commissioners Court reserves the right to convene into executive session to consult with its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation. 9.5 Take possible action with respect to matters discussed in executive session. 11. Adjourn 11.1 Adjourn
1. Call to Order 1.1 Call to Order 2. Invocation 2.1 Invocation 3. Pledge of Allegiance 3.1 Pledge of Allegiance
Consent Agenda 7.1 CONSENT AGENDA: All items listed directly under this Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Court and will be enacted with one motion. There will not be separate discussion of items unless a Commissioner or Citizen so requests; in which event, items will be removed from the General Order of Business and considered in its normal sequence. 7.2 Interlocal agreement Whereas Sherman agrees to provide Grayson County $2,295.38 from the JAG Programs award to be used for the purchase of officer hand-help portable radios and accessories; and whereas Grayson believes it to be in their best interests to reallocate the 2022 JAG funds. 7.3 Receive into the minutes the Award Agreement for the Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund, as added by the American Rescue Plan. 7.4 Approve the request from the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) to amend Contract Number HHS001025800001, changing Financial Status Reports submission dates from monthly to biannually. 7.5 Authorize payment of $69,951 to Texas Association of Counties Risk Management Pool for 1st Qtr. Worker's Compensation Coverage. 7.7 Accept Auditor Monthly Report for September 2022. 7.8 Receive into the minutes the fully executed Fort Bend County Juvenile Services Contract.
Approve the Professional Services Agreement between Grayson County and Huitt-Zollars, Inc. for their assistance in reviewing preliminary plats, final plats, and engineering plans for Development Services.
Act on Bills 8.1 Authorize payment of bills for December 6, 2022 8.2 Authorize payment of $237,519 to Texas Association of Counties Risk Management Pool for renewal of liability insurance coverages for autos, general liability, law enforcement, public officials and auto physical damage. 8.3 Authorize payment of $229,680.69 to Grayson Central Appraisal District for 1st Qtr. 2023 Appraisal Services. 8.4 Authorize payment of $77,266 to Grapevine Dodge for two vehicles for Precinct 1 and Precinct 4. 8.5 Authorize payment of $71,221.25 to Election Systems & Software for Extended Warranty w/ Annual Maintenance, Software License Renewals & Firmware Licenses.
Discuss and take action to approve interlocal agreement #2023003 with the City of Dorchester for Annual Road Work.
9.4 Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code Section 551.071, the Commissioners Court reserves the right to convene into executive session to consult with its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation. 9.5 Take possible action with respect to matters discussed in executive session. 11. Adjourn 11.1 Adjourn