Video index
1. Call to Order
4. Announcements
6. Act on Minutes
7. Consent Agenda
8. Act on Bills
9.1 AgriLife program summary for 2022.
9.2 Discuss and take action to approve Software Hosting Agreement between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Noble Software Group, LLC Work order
9.3 Discuss and take action to approve Software Hosting Agreement between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Noble Software Group, LLC
9.4 Discuss and take action to Approve Contract between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Wood Polygraph.
9.5 Approval to declare the provided list as surplus to be disposed of according to Local Government Code 263.
9.6 Discuss and take action to authorize the purchase of a durapatcher from Texas Patcher Sole Source vendor for Road and Bridge Precinct 2.
9.7 Authorize the Purchasing Agent to release Request for Bid 2023-07 for Asphalt Materials.
9.8 Discuss and take action to award Bid # 2023-01 Steel Culverts.
9.9 Discuss and take action on Interlocal Memorandum of Understanding between Grayson County and Denison regarding Grayson County Jail Services.
9.10 Discuss and take action on Interlocal Memorandum of Understanding between Grayson County and Bells regarding Grayson County Jail Services
9.11 Discuss and take action to approve the Short Plat Stracener Addition in Precinct 1.
9.12 Discuss and take action to approve Short Plat Sky Angel Estates in Precinct 3.
9.13 Discuss and approve resolutions to change the Authorized Official to Bruce Dawsey, County Judge, for grants with the Office of the Governor and other granting agencies.
9.14 Discuss and take action on formation of a future justice center complex committee.
10. Commissioners Court Comments
Jan 17, 2023 Regular Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order
4. Announcements
6. Act on Minutes
7. Consent Agenda
8. Act on Bills
9.1 AgriLife program summary for 2022.
9.2 Discuss and take action to approve Software Hosting Agreement between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Noble Software Group, LLC Work order
9.3 Discuss and take action to approve Software Hosting Agreement between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Noble Software Group, LLC
9.4 Discuss and take action to Approve Contract between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Wood Polygraph.
9.5 Approval to declare the provided list as surplus to be disposed of according to Local Government Code 263.
9.6 Discuss and take action to authorize the purchase of a durapatcher from Texas Patcher Sole Source vendor for Road and Bridge Precinct 2.
9.7 Authorize the Purchasing Agent to release Request for Bid 2023-07 for Asphalt Materials.
9.8 Discuss and take action to award Bid # 2023-01 Steel Culverts.
9.9 Discuss and take action on Interlocal Memorandum of Understanding between Grayson County and Denison regarding Grayson County Jail Services.
9.10 Discuss and take action on Interlocal Memorandum of Understanding between Grayson County and Bells regarding Grayson County Jail Services
9.11 Discuss and take action to approve the Short Plat Stracener Addition in Precinct 1.
9.12 Discuss and take action to approve Short Plat Sky Angel Estates in Precinct 3.
9.13 Discuss and approve resolutions to change the Authorized Official to Bruce Dawsey, County Judge, for grants with the Office of the Governor and other granting agencies.
9.14 Discuss and take action on formation of a future justice center complex committee.
10. Commissioners Court Comments
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