Video index
1. Call to Order
6. Act on Minutes
7. Consent Agenda
8. Act on Bills
9.1 Discuss and take action to reappoint Kitty Richardson to the Oliver Dewey Mayor Foundation for a three year term.
9.2 Authorize the release of Request for Proposal 2023-08, Grayson County Bank Depository.
9.3 Discuss and take action on Interlocal Memorandum of Understanding between Grayson County and Tom Bean regarding Grayson County Jail Services
9.4 Discuss and take action on Interlocal Agreement between Grayson County Sheriff's Office and Dallas Police Department participation in North Texas Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, Crimes Against Children Grant 15PJDP-22-GK-04883-MECP, Dallas Police Department reimbursing Grayson County sum up to $5,000.
9.5 Discuss and take action to approve the Preliminary Plat of Kinkade Addition in Precinct 2.
9.6 Discuss and take action to approve a Short Plat Naveen Addition in Precinct 1.
9.7 Discuss and take action to approve Short Plat Tipps Road Estates in Precinct 4.
9.8 Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.074, Commissioners Court reserves the right to convene into executive session to discuss personnel matters about officials or employees of Grayson County.
10. Commissioners Court Comments
Feb 14, 2023 Regular Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order
6. Act on Minutes
7. Consent Agenda
8. Act on Bills
9.1 Discuss and take action to reappoint Kitty Richardson to the Oliver Dewey Mayor Foundation for a three year term.
9.2 Authorize the release of Request for Proposal 2023-08, Grayson County Bank Depository.
9.3 Discuss and take action on Interlocal Memorandum of Understanding between Grayson County and Tom Bean regarding Grayson County Jail Services
9.4 Discuss and take action on Interlocal Agreement between Grayson County Sheriff's Office and Dallas Police Department participation in North Texas Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, Crimes Against Children Grant 15PJDP-22-GK-04883-MECP, Dallas Police Department reimbursing Grayson County sum up to $5,000.
9.5 Discuss and take action to approve the Preliminary Plat of Kinkade Addition in Precinct 2.
9.6 Discuss and take action to approve a Short Plat Naveen Addition in Precinct 1.
9.7 Discuss and take action to approve Short Plat Tipps Road Estates in Precinct 4.
9.8 Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.074, Commissioners Court reserves the right to convene into executive session to discuss personnel matters about officials or employees of Grayson County.
10. Commissioners Court Comments
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