Video index
1. Call to Order
5. Public Comments
6. Act on Minutes
7. Consent Agenda
7.6 Accept into the Minutes the fully executed agreement between the Grayson County Sheriff Office and Solutions of North Texas.
8. Act on Bills
9.1 Discuss and take action to approve Grayson County Historical Commission request to print the updated Historical Markers Pamphlet at HINCO Printing for $3,700.00.
9.2 Discuss and take action on request to approve a resolution for the issuance of bonds by the Public Finance Authority and a plan of finance for CMI Denison, LLC and CMI Covington, LLC at no cost to the County or its residents.
9.3 Discuss and take action to approve the service contract between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Catalyst Collective.
9.4 Discuss and take action to approve the contract between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Patrick J Parks.
9.5 Discuss and take action to approve contract between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Serenco Wellness.
9.6 Discuss and take action to accept contract between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Step Up Texas Agreement.
9.7 Discuss and take action to approve Donation Acceptance Agreement between Grayson County and Athos Investment, LLC for Precinct 3.
9.8 Discuss and take action to approve the Replat of Harlan-Hensley Southmayd Addition Lot 7 in Precinct 3.
9.9 Discuss and take action to approve the Replat of Wynstone Addition, Lot 11 & 12 in Precinct 4
10. Commissioners Court Comments
Jun 06, 2023 Regular Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order
5. Public Comments
6. Act on Minutes
7. Consent Agenda
7.6 Accept into the Minutes the fully executed agreement between the Grayson County Sheriff Office and Solutions of North Texas.
8. Act on Bills
9.1 Discuss and take action to approve Grayson County Historical Commission request to print the updated Historical Markers Pamphlet at HINCO Printing for $3,700.00.
9.2 Discuss and take action on request to approve a resolution for the issuance of bonds by the Public Finance Authority and a plan of finance for CMI Denison, LLC and CMI Covington, LLC at no cost to the County or its residents.
9.3 Discuss and take action to approve the service contract between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Catalyst Collective.
9.4 Discuss and take action to approve the contract between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Patrick J Parks.
9.5 Discuss and take action to approve contract between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Serenco Wellness.
9.6 Discuss and take action to accept contract between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Step Up Texas Agreement.
9.7 Discuss and take action to approve Donation Acceptance Agreement between Grayson County and Athos Investment, LLC for Precinct 3.
9.8 Discuss and take action to approve the Replat of Harlan-Hensley Southmayd Addition Lot 7 in Precinct 3.
9.9 Discuss and take action to approve the Replat of Wynstone Addition, Lot 11 & 12 in Precinct 4
10. Commissioners Court Comments
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