Video index
1. Call to Order
4. Announcements
5. Public Comments
6. Act on Minutes
7. Consent Agenda
8. Act on Bills
9.1 Discuss and take action approve amendment to contract between NTRA and Juvenile Services to remove security deposit requirement.
9.2 Discuss and take action to approve contract amendment dated August 23, 2023 with Brinkley Sargent Wiginton Architects regarding Jail Expansion project.
9.3 Discuss and take action on Interlocal Memorandum of Understanding between City of Sherman, City of Denison and Grayson County for 2023 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Award to provide computers for training to the Grayson County Jail.
9.4 Hold a public hearing (continuing the public hearing from August 29, 2023) to discuss the Grayson County fire code.
9.5 Discuss and take action to approve an order adopting the Grayson County fire code with submission of items attached.
9.6 Hold a public hearing (continuing public hearing from August 29, 2023) to discuss the Grayson County fire code fees.
9.7 Discuss and take action on order adopting the Grayson County fire code fees with submission of items attached.
9.8 Hold a public hearing (continuing public hearing from August 29, 2023) to discuss July 2023 amendments to the Grayson County subdivision regulations.
9.9 Discuss and take action to approve an order for July 2023 amendments to the Grayson County subdivision regulations with submission of items attached.
9.10 Hold a public hearing (continuing public hearing from August 29, 2023) to discuss the Grayson County subdivision fees.
9.11 Discuss and take action on an order adopting the Grayson County subdivision fees with submission of items attached.
9.12 Discuss and take action to approve the Replat of Williams Rose Hill Addition in Precinct 2
10. Commissioners Court Comments
Sep 05, 2023 Regular Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order
4. Announcements
5. Public Comments
6. Act on Minutes
7. Consent Agenda
8. Act on Bills
9.1 Discuss and take action approve amendment to contract between NTRA and Juvenile Services to remove security deposit requirement.
9.2 Discuss and take action to approve contract amendment dated August 23, 2023 with Brinkley Sargent Wiginton Architects regarding Jail Expansion project.
9.3 Discuss and take action on Interlocal Memorandum of Understanding between City of Sherman, City of Denison and Grayson County for 2023 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Award to provide computers for training to the Grayson County Jail.
9.4 Hold a public hearing (continuing the public hearing from August 29, 2023) to discuss the Grayson County fire code.
9.5 Discuss and take action to approve an order adopting the Grayson County fire code with submission of items attached.
9.6 Hold a public hearing (continuing public hearing from August 29, 2023) to discuss the Grayson County fire code fees.
9.7 Discuss and take action on order adopting the Grayson County fire code fees with submission of items attached.
9.8 Hold a public hearing (continuing public hearing from August 29, 2023) to discuss July 2023 amendments to the Grayson County subdivision regulations.
9.9 Discuss and take action to approve an order for July 2023 amendments to the Grayson County subdivision regulations with submission of items attached.
9.10 Hold a public hearing (continuing public hearing from August 29, 2023) to discuss the Grayson County subdivision fees.
9.11 Discuss and take action on an order adopting the Grayson County subdivision fees with submission of items attached.
9.12 Discuss and take action to approve the Replat of Williams Rose Hill Addition in Precinct 2
10. Commissioners Court Comments
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