Video index
1. Call to Order
4. Announcements
6. Act on Minutes
7. Consent Agenda
8. Act on Bills
9.1 Take action to accept petition from the City of Gunter to call a Special Election to replace council members that resigned in December 2023.
9.2 Discuss and take action to accept Addison Rowen Court as a County maintained road and establish a speed limit of 30 mph in Precinct 1.
9.3 Discuss and take action to approve the Preliminary Plat Hillstone Estates in Precinct 3.
9.4 Discuss and take action to approve the Short Plat Wiese Addition in Precinct 2.
9.5 Discuss and take action to approve the Short Plat Brandt Addition in Precinct 3.
10. Commissioners Court Comments
Jan 02, 2024 Regular Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order
4. Announcements
6. Act on Minutes
7. Consent Agenda
8. Act on Bills
9.1 Take action to accept petition from the City of Gunter to call a Special Election to replace council members that resigned in December 2023.
9.2 Discuss and take action to accept Addison Rowen Court as a County maintained road and establish a speed limit of 30 mph in Precinct 1.
9.3 Discuss and take action to approve the Preliminary Plat Hillstone Estates in Precinct 3.
9.4 Discuss and take action to approve the Short Plat Wiese Addition in Precinct 2.
9.5 Discuss and take action to approve the Short Plat Brandt Addition in Precinct 3.
10. Commissioners Court Comments
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