Video index
1. Call to Order
4. Announcements
6. Act on Minutes
7. Consent Agenda
8. Act on Bills
9.1 Present a proclamation to Grayson County AgriLife to proclaim the Week of April 21-27, 2024 as National Volunteer Week.
9.2 Discuss and take action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to release Bid 2024-07 New County Fleet Vehicles.
9.4 Authorize the purchase of two 2017 Freightliner Cascadia trucks for Road and Bridge Precinct 3. Purchasing these trucks requires justification for waiver of competition in the area for comparable trucks to justify competition.
9.5 Approve Fiscal 2024 salary order amendment for the Office of Emergency Management, with no budget change.
9.6 Discuss and authorize the County Judge to sign the contract between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Alcohol Monitoring Systems to provide juvenile services.
9.7 Discuss and take action to hold a public hearing to receive public comment on request to approve a zoning change in the Lake Ray Roberts Zoning Area from "AG" (Agricultural) District to "C" (Commercial) District for a 7.24 acre tract of land located on the east side of US Highway 377 approximately 11,000 feet south of Collinsville, Texas (Parcel ID 131238).
9.8 Discuss and take appropriate action on request to approve a zoning change in the Lake Ray Roberts Zoning Area from "AG" (Agricultural) District to "C" (Commercial) District for a 7.24 acre tract located on the east side of US Highway 377 approximately 11,000 feet south of Collinsville, Texas (Parcel ID 131238).
9.9 Discuss and take action to approve the Short Plat Taylor Addition in Precinct 3.
9.10 Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.076 Commissioners Court reserves the right to meeting in executive session for safety security briefing.
9.12 Consider and take possible action on items discussed in executive session.
10. Commissioners Court Comments
Apr 23, 2024 Regular Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order
4. Announcements
6. Act on Minutes
7. Consent Agenda
8. Act on Bills
9.1 Present a proclamation to Grayson County AgriLife to proclaim the Week of April 21-27, 2024 as National Volunteer Week.
9.2 Discuss and take action to authorize the Purchasing Agent to release Bid 2024-07 New County Fleet Vehicles.
9.4 Authorize the purchase of two 2017 Freightliner Cascadia trucks for Road and Bridge Precinct 3. Purchasing these trucks requires justification for waiver of competition in the area for comparable trucks to justify competition.
9.5 Approve Fiscal 2024 salary order amendment for the Office of Emergency Management, with no budget change.
9.6 Discuss and authorize the County Judge to sign the contract between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Alcohol Monitoring Systems to provide juvenile services.
9.7 Discuss and take action to hold a public hearing to receive public comment on request to approve a zoning change in the Lake Ray Roberts Zoning Area from "AG" (Agricultural) District to "C" (Commercial) District for a 7.24 acre tract of land located on the east side of US Highway 377 approximately 11,000 feet south of Collinsville, Texas (Parcel ID 131238).
9.8 Discuss and take appropriate action on request to approve a zoning change in the Lake Ray Roberts Zoning Area from "AG" (Agricultural) District to "C" (Commercial) District for a 7.24 acre tract located on the east side of US Highway 377 approximately 11,000 feet south of Collinsville, Texas (Parcel ID 131238).
9.9 Discuss and take action to approve the Short Plat Taylor Addition in Precinct 3.
9.10 Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.076 Commissioners Court reserves the right to meeting in executive session for safety security briefing.
9.12 Consider and take possible action on items discussed in executive session.
10. Commissioners Court Comments
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