Video index
1. Call to Order
5. Public Comments
6. Act on Minutes
7. Consent Agenda
8. Act on Bills
9.1 Discuss and approve FY25 - 1st Quarter Compensatory Time Pay Out.
9.2 Discuss and take action to amend year end vacation accrual carry over to March 31, 2025.
9.3 Discuss and take action to approve a Fiscal 2025 budget line item transfer and salary order amendment for Facilities Maintenance department to have additional temporary labor for building remodel.
9.4 Discuss and take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the contract between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Erath County, Kaufman County, and Scurry County.
9.5 Discuss and take action to approve the final obligation of the American Rescue Plan funds as scheduled.
9.6 Discuss and take action to declare Glock 43, serial #BCZV978, county - owned handgun, as surplus pursuant to Tex. Loc. Gov't Code § 263.151(2).
9.7 Discuss and take action to award surplus Glock 43, Serial # BCZV978 to Sheriff Tom Watt upon his retirement.
9.8 Discuss and take action to approve Interlocal Agreement #2025003 with the City of Tom Bean for hauling asphalt totaling $191.96.
9.9 Discuss and take action to approve the Replat of Texoma Bluffs Phase 1, Lot 2R Block A in Precinct 4.
9.10 Discuss and take action to approve the Short Plat Heritage Addition in Precinct 4.
7.5 Authorize County Judge to issue letter of approval and attestation on behalf of the Commissioners Court in support of application for licensure of US Mobile Healthcare LLC to operate emergency medical services in Grayson County.
9.11 Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.074 the Commissioners Court reserves the right to meet in executive session to discuss personnel matters.
9.12 Consider and take possible action on items discussed in executive session.
10. Commissioners Court Comments
Dec 10, 2024 Regular Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order
5. Public Comments
6. Act on Minutes
7. Consent Agenda
8. Act on Bills
9.1 Discuss and approve FY25 - 1st Quarter Compensatory Time Pay Out.
9.2 Discuss and take action to amend year end vacation accrual carry over to March 31, 2025.
9.3 Discuss and take action to approve a Fiscal 2025 budget line item transfer and salary order amendment for Facilities Maintenance department to have additional temporary labor for building remodel.
9.4 Discuss and take action to authorize the County Judge to sign the contract between Grayson County Juvenile Services and Erath County, Kaufman County, and Scurry County.
9.5 Discuss and take action to approve the final obligation of the American Rescue Plan funds as scheduled.
9.6 Discuss and take action to declare Glock 43, serial #BCZV978, county - owned handgun, as surplus pursuant to Tex. Loc. Gov't Code § 263.151(2).
9.7 Discuss and take action to award surplus Glock 43, Serial # BCZV978 to Sheriff Tom Watt upon his retirement.
9.8 Discuss and take action to approve Interlocal Agreement #2025003 with the City of Tom Bean for hauling asphalt totaling $191.96.
9.9 Discuss and take action to approve the Replat of Texoma Bluffs Phase 1, Lot 2R Block A in Precinct 4.
9.10 Discuss and take action to approve the Short Plat Heritage Addition in Precinct 4.
7.5 Authorize County Judge to issue letter of approval and attestation on behalf of the Commissioners Court in support of application for licensure of US Mobile Healthcare LLC to operate emergency medical services in Grayson County.
9.11 Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.074 the Commissioners Court reserves the right to meet in executive session to discuss personnel matters.
9.12 Consider and take possible action on items discussed in executive session.
10. Commissioners Court Comments
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